Import attempt

An import attempt is created when a user try to upload a file. It’s produced from an Importer.

API structure

An import attempt object looks like this:

idThe unique identifier for the import attempt
importerThe importer associated with the import attempt
schemaThe schema used for the import attempt
uuidThe unique identifier for the import attempt
importer_uuidThe unique identifier for the importer
urlThe URL for the import attempt portal
metadataMetadata fields: {key_1:value, key_2:value}
success_urlThe URL where the user is redirected after a successful import
return_urlThe URL where the user is redirected when the import is cancelled
stateThe current state of the import attempt. More details import attempt
created_atThe timestamp when the import attempt was created
updated_atThe timestamp when the import attempt was last updated


An import attempt can be in following states

Verbose NameRaw NameDescription
Waiting for FileWAITING_FOR_FILEThe importer is waiting for the user to upload a CSV file.
MappingMAPPINGThe user and/or importer are mapping schema fields and columns
Error DetectionERROR_DETECTIONThe importer is checking and try to fix the uploaded data for errors or inconsistencies with the schema
Data EditionDATA_EDITIONThe user is able to edit the data to correct errors or make adjustments before finalizing.
Data AvailableDATA_AVAILABLEThe data has been successfully validated and is available for fetching
Data ProcessedDATA_PROCESSEDThe data has been fully processed and integrated into your system.
FailureFAILUREThe import attempt failed due to errors that could not be resolved.