
A schema is the data output format you expect from Capyflow. Everything Capyflow do is to try to fit the data, into your schema, and if it’s not possible automatically, we do it hand to hand with your user.
Once a Schema is created, you can’t modify it. It’s a decision we made to keep data consistent with data that could have been imported with a different version of the schema. So if you want to update schema, you have to create a new one (then link it to the importer).


A schema can have an unlimited number of “fields”. It’s like the “columns” of a CSV file. A schema field contains following data:

Verbose namestringShowed to the user in the header of the table in the import portal
Internal namestringUsed when you pull the data, the name of the json’s field
Is requiredbooleanDefine if the field is required or not
Data typedata-typeThe type of the expected data
RuleruleCustom rules you can add to the data type

Data types

Go to the data types page